Faith Kansas City's Philosophy of Ministry
Faith Kansas City's Philosophy of Ministry provides ethical boundaries that will guide our mission. It's a reflection of what we value.
People are more important than policy. Policies and procedures exist to give people support, guidelines, and boundaries.
Everyone has gifts and talents that can be used in ministry. We aim to help motivate people to use and grow in their skills. We do this by assisting them in fulfilling purposes, fine-tuning their personal vision, and providing opportunities to serve in ministry.
We will walk in respect with others. We will clarify expectations for ministry roles. And if needed, we will love you enough to confront areas for growth. And through it all, we will support you.
We believe that a staff that prays together plays together.
We believe that a church that prays and plays together will stay together.
We want to offer prayer support, pastoral guidance, and ministry through the Word of God.
We trust the Holy Spirit inside of you.
Every church has a philosophy of ministry that predetermines how you will receive ministry and how leadership will respond to your specific needs. We do not feel it is our job to make you right. We believe that Jesus makes you right (righteous). However, we think our job is to encourage you to believe and walk in that righteousness.
You will only walk in your righteousness to the degree that you have been made whole by the love of God. When you are complete, a Bible-based sense of self-worth empowers you. Wholeness brings about participation in your new identity in Jesus. We want you to believe the truth about who you are in Jesus.
While our church has a vision, we do not ask you to give up your vision for the sake of ours. We want you to keep your vision and have your own sense of purpose in the Kingdom of God.
We see one of the most significant weaknesses of the traditional church, which has been the disempowering of the people. Therefore, our vision is to help you become who you desire to be and become all you can be in God.
Positive internal motivation through a relationship with Jesus and knowing His Word will encourage you to achieve your goals and walk in victory.