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Ability Versus Availability

Writer: Denise CapraDenise Capra

Updated: Aug 24, 2022

"His people don't find security in strong horses, for horsepower is nothing to him. Manpower is even less impressive! The Lord shows favor to those who fear him, to his godly lovers who wait for his tender embrace." Psalms 147:10-11 TPT

Do you ever feel so skilled in what you do that you require little help from others?

Are you proud of your self-sufficiency? Perhaps you may feel more skilled than any other in your field. But does God need your skills and abilities to accomplish His purposes on this earth? The answer is NO.

One thing God does not need is our skills and abilities. Yet, He does give us the privilege to exercise our gifts and abilities for His service. That service may be as a computer technician, a secretary, an ironworker, or even a lawyer. God calls each of us to our vocations to work unto Him. To believe that He needs our skills to accomplish His mission on earth would lower our understanding of an all-encompassing and all-powerful God.

The psalmist tells us that His pleasure is not in our strength and ability, but His pleasure is in the attitude of the heart. True humility is recognizing there is a God….and YOU are not HIM. What we find in the heart helps determine whether ability is translated into availability.

You see, God is looking to and fro throughout the earth for a man or woman who is fully committed to Him. A man or woman who is committed to fearing the Lord and placing his hope in His unfailing love is the person God seeks to support.

"For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him" (2 Chron. 16:9).

When our agenda becomes His agenda, we can expect God to fully support all we do.

If we want to see our skills and abilities multiplied a hundredfold, then we must make them completely available to His service. Where are the opportunities in which God is calling you to be available to Him? Next time someone asks you to be involved in some activity, before you say yes or no, check in with the Master of our decisions to ensure that your gifts and talents are being used as He desires. Let Him direct your step. He knows what He created you for.



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