Heirlooms are family possessions handed down from generation to generation. Being an “heir” means there’s an inheritance coming from somewhere. In that respect, I guess I’m an heiress. What a blessing! I was left an inheritance by my dear Mother upon her death. As believers, do we really grasp what’s been passed on to us? It’s so much more than just finances. God reveals and demonstrates His own generous nature and intention to us through His Son and what He accomplished. Remember, what cost one generation dearly often costs the next generation nothing. Will we properly value what we’ve been given?
As we receive a heritage, we need to recognize the responsibility bestowed upon us. We must be willing to accept the fact we may spend our lives building something, and then it’s the next generation’s decision to advance with what we laid down for them.
“A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous” (Proverbs 13:22).
God’s very nature is generous!
“Ask God for wisdom and he will give it! He won’t see your lack of wisdom as an opportunity to scold you over your failures but he will overwhelm your failures with his generous grace” (James 1:5 TPT).
Family Heritage
In our family’s journey of coming into destiny, there’s been progress in my relationship with the Lord. I want that for you too! I pray you would grasp the rich deposit of God’s Spirit within you, and walk on into the fullness of His purpose and your destiny—through no human striving of your own. It all hinges on the capacity of your heart to believe and receive His willingness to be good to you.
Picture yourself in a lawyer’s office. You’re there for the reading of a will. If today was the bequeathal of an estate, you’d have to show up to know what was left for you. Perhaps you’re right in the middle of all the pain from your loss, but you have enough of a sense of honor and respect for the deceased to cooperate with the executor—to go find out what rightfully belongs to you. You recognize there’s been a coordination of the lasting legacy available drawn up with you in mind. As it unfolds, it may not be the perfect picture you would want to paint. Perhaps there is some ‘coloring outside the lines’ in your family tree. Do we value those who have gone before us laying a spiritual heritage? It may or may not have been relatives by blood.
In my life, I’m honored in that I did have a wonderful heritage spiritually by a mother who knew God’s restoring love in her life. She was in a life-long search for God. Her curious attempts with empty religion and its formalities didn’t fill the void. Exploring the occult for supernatural power proved to be a counterfeit that only made things worse, whether through astrology, hypnotism, or cults. She came to the Lord right when we became teenagers. God is so faithful—He finds us!
My Mom prayed to receive forgiveness and came to know Jesus personally through Billy Graham on television. Nearly that same time, my stepfather became radically saved and delivered from alcoholism while in rehab. Allowing God to restore them, and through serving Him with their unique gifts, He made an impact on their lives and through their lives to so many others. They hosted a weekly youth meeting in our home, which exposed our entire junior high school to hearing the gospel through the guest evangelists who came. Dennis was saved through this ministry to youth. She dedicated alot of time praying for us both.
For nearly a decade, Mom produced a Christian television program with a small team of women. She also had a love for Israel and Jewish people coming to know their Messiah. Mom devoted her energy and talents to build and bless the kingdom of God. As a successful businesswoman, she had a heart for helping others and launching them into their careers with her corporate recruiting firm
. To me, her life exemplifies this whole concept of the heritage God has for us if we will believe and let Him move us into action working in and through us.
Excerpt from: For the Rest of Your Life by Denise Capra