Well, we just tried to fit a video photo collage from the past thirty years in ministry into a five-minute song. It was moving so fast that some thought the clips and pics were subliminal. What a celebration we had in an hour and a half. We can't go back and relive it all - but we can reflect and be filled with gratitude for God showing us His goodness throughout the journey. And we look forward to more of His impact ahead. We can say we are having fun - because fun to us looks like discipleship and changed lives. None of the things we have experienced could have ever happened without the Holy Spirit's demonstration.
People give up stubborn opinions and conform to the simple wisdom of God's Word. That includes us. The friendship bonds that have lasted mean so much. Over time, there is some heartache in the mix - but we can give that to Him because He promised to bind up the broken-hearted.
We are treasuring our dear friends coming to speak, Dennis & Terri Diaz from New Mexico. They brought inspiring words of courage and truth through life's toughest hardships. They are truly co-laborers in the gospel.
Be sure to watch the sermon by Dennis Diaz, "Thriving in a Hostile World" on our YouTube channel and watch the breakfast meeting session by Terri Diaz on Denise's Facebook page.
Pastor friends came to celebrate with us - Geri Coulter and Ted & Georgie Nelson were there. Former staff/team people traveled to be with us too - Denise Tait (& Rick) and Sara (& Shannon) Harrison were there too. Special thanks to Dave & Debbie Case, Dave & Debbie VanNoy, Jay & Kim Saleh, and Debbie Munholland and others for their support in hosting breakfast meetings and more.
In the past few weeks, we have had video clips from Dr. Jim Richards, Bonnie Duell, and Andrew Wommack. How touched we were that they each took the time to send words of congratulations as their lives were a part of our church life along the path. As pastors, we have to say we have treasured the times of working closely alongside people who have carried the vision with us of discipleship and multiplication with focus (home group ministry) coupled with the revelation of resting in His finished work. The work or labor or energy we expend with an effort to make an impact so that more can hear good news... comes out of knowing it's all been done for us through His cross and resurrection. We all have an integral part to play!
We share a connection with people who value the local church and how we can affect our communities. This is how the Apostle Paul viewed the church: Paul wrote: "I’m writing all this with the expectation of seeing you soon. But if I’m delayed in coming, you’ll already have these instructions on how to conduct the affairs of the church of the living God, his very household, and the supporting pillar and firm foundation of the truth."
We have felt it's been such a privilege to have the stabilizing standard of laying the foundations of righteousness by faith in people's spiritual lives through the Word. Then they can build and launch from that place in their relationship with God through Christ. The Best is Yet to Come.
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